Lílana Ageiraü: The Villagers
Michael Resman, E. Roy Cayetano, and Cyrus Ngatia Gathigo

The Villagers was written by Michael Resman, translated into Garifuna by E. Roy Cayetano, iillustrated by Cyrus Ngatia Gathigo and published by Producciones de la Hamaca, Caye Caulker, BELIZE - 40 pages (2012). It is a translation of the second book in the Whispers of the Holy Spirit series of children's books.
Available Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
Villagers have been hurt and are preparing to strike back. Their Story Teller tells them of the oneness of life and suggests forgiveness as a way to find peace and happiness. Presented in Swahili and English and illustrated in Kenya, this multicultural book shares profound truths in simple language. Appropriate for ages 4 and up.
From the Publisher:
This book was truly an international project. It started when Producciones de la Hamaca
Editor Judy Lumb visited author Michael Resman in Rochester, Minnesota, for an editorial meeting on the Quaker periodical, What Canst Thou Say? When he found out Judy was going to Africa, Michael told her about his children’s book that was part of his peace ministry. He
wanted to publish it in English and Swahili with illustrations by an African artist.
In Kenya, Judy asked Douglas Mmbala Shikuunzi if he knew any artists and he recommended Fred Senelwa, who brought Cyrus Ngatia Gathigo into the project. Fred did the translation for the Swahili version and Cyrus painted the illustrations using Photoshop. In Belize, Dorothy Beveridge did the layout of the book in InDesign and the Swahili version of The Villagers was published. The Villagers was greatly admired for both the message and the beautiful paintings, so we asked Belizean linguist Eldred Roy Cayetano to translate it into Garifuna, an indigenous language in Belize.
Thanks to Douglas for connecting us to Cyrus Ngatia Gathigo for the beautiful paintings
and to Eldred Roy Cayetano for the Garifuna translation.