The Tainting of Paradise: Air Pollution in Belize
Michael Sommerville

The Tainting of Paradise: Air Pollution in Belize is the third book in Footprint: A Belizean Environmental Series by Michael Somerville published by Producciones de la Hamaca, Caye Caulker, BELIZE - 55 pages (2015)
The Tainting of Paradise: Air Pollution in Belize presents a comprehensive knowledge of the subject area, assembled in one accessible and easy to understand source for Belizeans. The Tainting of Paradise: Air Pollution in Belize is divided into four sections: “A Blanket of Precious Air Surrounds Earth,” “Where Is Our Air Pollution in Belize Coming From, Anyway?” “How Air Pollution Is Harming Us and the Environment,” and “Solutions to Air Pollution.” The first section introduces air pollution, and presents a number of air pollution scenarios that could be taking place in Belize. The second section points out the specific activities in our society that are producing air pollution. The third section identifies the various hazardous components of air pollution, and the effects of these on our health environment with consideration to their contribution to global warming and global climate change. The fourth section informs about the many good efforts that are taking place in Belize and other parts of the world to address air pollution and combat climate change, as well as things that we Belizeans can do to help this process. A glossary is provided to further explain unfamiliar words and terms used. A reference list of sources consulted is included for readers who may wish to further investigate some of the topics covered. —Michael Summerville (from the Preface)
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